Take the Urticaria Control Test (UCT)!
Find out if your urticaria is under control with the UCT. Answer four simple questions and immediately receive your results. Share the test with other sufferers from urticaria so they can find out more about their condition, too. You can publish your results with your photo and a comment right here on the website and show that you support urticaria day.
What else can you do to celebrate Urticaria Day 2015?
How can you make urticaria day a special day again this year? How can you help raise awareness? How can you participate?
Dont't just take the test. You can celebrate urticaria day in one of the following ways:
Tweet about #UrticariaDay2015!
140 characters to talk about urticaria is not much, but it's enough to get the important points across. Even if it's something simple along the lines of "Celebrating #UrticariaDay2015 to raise awareness for urticaria" - your tweet will make difference.
Blog about urticaria!
Tell us your personal story about your life with urticaria. How do you avoid triggers? What are you best tips and life hacks for dealing with the symptoms? What advice can you give fellow patients? And how do you deal with urticaria in general? Share your urticaria experience with the online community and blog about it on October 1st.
Do whatever you want!
There are countless more ways to participate. Just do whatever you want to celebrate urticaria day. Talk about it, online and offline. Throw a party. Start a local self-help group. And most importantly: have fun!
Spread the word, and don't forget to use the hashtag #UrticariaDay2015, so your voice can be heard on this website and all over the internet.