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Urticariaday2015: Urticaria under control

The second urticariaday will again take place on October 1st. This year’s urticariaday is all about “urticaria under control”. The aim is to allow urticaria patients to test if their urticaria is under control – and to take back control if it is not. In order to do this, we have carefully designed a test, the Urticaria Control Test (UCT), which has been validated for medical use and helps to optimize urticaria treatment. We have made the UCT available to you here and we encourage you to take it. Discussing your results and sharing your experience with the urticaria community will benefit others who suffer from urticaria as well.

Urticariaday is a great opportunity to raise awareness for urticaria among patients and their families, doctors, politicians, the press and the world. We want to increase available educational opportunities for other doctors so that they, in turn, can give better care to urticaria patients – so that they can enjoy a better life. In uniting the urticaria community, you will extend your network, see that you are not alone and be able to reach out for help when needed.

Who are “we”? “We” are all of us! Patients, doctors, organizations, you and me. Each individual who participates in urticariaday2015 is part of the urticaria network. Help us help you get your urticaria under control by telling others about urticariaday2015. Tell family, friends, colleagues and even your doctor. Share information about urticariaday2015 on 1. October 2015 in any way you can – twitter, facebook, by liking this page, by taking and sharing the UCT.

Inspire others and create your own event! Why not throw an urticaria party or start a local self-help group? Perhaps you can even encourage your doctor to offer an urticaria training at their clinic for other doctors. Post your pictures and events here to ensure your own personal contribution to urticariaday2015 adds to the success of urticariaday2015.

Urticariaday2015 is proudly sponsored by GA²LEN and  inspired by Unev, the Urticaria Network e.V., the daab e.V. and many other organizations throughout the world that strive to improve conditions and treatment for patients with allergies and urticaria.

Urticaria Day website user guide
